About this Product
Vitamin is an organic compound and an essential nutrition that a organism requires in limited amounts. An organic chemical compound is called a vitamin. When the Organism cannot synthesize the compound in sufficient quantities and it must be obtained through the diet; thus the term vitamin is condition upon the circumstances and the particular organism.
TYPES OF VITAMIN ( Available only 13 Vitamins)
Fat Soluble Vitamins - AD3EK
Water Soluble Vitamin - B1B2B3B5B6B7B9
Improves body FCR, Egg Production & Performance.
Prevents destabilization and deficiency of vitamins.
Manage and equilibrate the vitamins level during metabolic stress.
Better bioavailability and long shelf life with proved stability.
Boost Immunity.
Enhance metabolic activities.
Dosages :
LAYER - 500 GM/ Ton of feed
BROILER - 750 GM/ Ton of feed
BREEDER - 1.5 KG/ Ton of feed
or As directed by veterinarian.
Each 1 KG contains:
Vitamin A ......................2,90,00,00 IU
Vitamin D3 .................... 80,00,000 IU
Vitamin E ...................... 320,000 MG
Vitamin K3 ......................... 12,000 MG
Vitamin B1 .............................2,000 MG
VItamin B2 ......................... 20,000 MG
Vitmin B6 ............................. 4,000 MG
Vitamin B3 ......................... 25,000 MG
Vitamin B7 ........................... 60 MG
Vitamin B12 ............................ 40 MG
Folic Acid B9 ....................... 2000 MG
Ca d - Pantohenate B5 ......... 16000 MG
Vitamin C ............................. 5000 MG
CHOLINE CI2 ....................150000 MG
AntiOxidant ....................... 2000 MG
Anti Caking ........................... 2000 MG
Suitable Carrier ............................ Q.S