About this Product
Composite feed concentrate for poultry & livestock. An Ideal Growth Promoter. Click here to view more details. We are supplying this product from 30 years to our happy customers.
Efficient feed conversion.
Improves growth rate.
Higher egg production in poultry.
High milk yield in cattle.
Improves hatchability & fertility.
Dosages :
Chicks, layers, Grower, Broiler:
2.5 kg/Ton of feed
Breeders : 3.5 kg/Ton of feed or as directed by veterinarian.
250 gm/100kg of feed or as directed by veterinarian.
Each 2.5 kg contains
Vitamin A ......50,00,000 I.U
Vitamin D3 .....10,00,000 I.U
Vitamin E ...............750 mg
Vitamin K .................1 gms
Vitamin B1 .................2 gms
Vitamin B2 .................2 gms
Vitamin B6 .................5 gms
Vitamin B12 ...........600 mcg
Calcium Penthothenate .3 gms
Calcium Chloride .......175 gms
Calcium .................700 gms
Phosphorous ...............175 gms
Manganese ....................30 gms
Iodine ............................1 gms
Iron ...............................8 gms
Zinc ............................7.5 gms
Copper ..........................2.5 gms
Cobalt ...........................0.5 gms
Antioxidants ................250 ppm
Methionine .............. 300 Units
Sufficiently added with Propionic acid, Zeolites, Benzoates, Acetates & Formic acid.